can keyboards be thrown in the trash

Can Keyboards Be Thrown in the Trash? (Don’t Toss it! Recycle It!)

Is your keyboard currently broken, damaged or in need of a replacement? If so, you might be wondering if you can just throw it out into your trash bin.

So, can keyboards be thrown in the trash?

No, keyboards should be recycled. Don’t toss your keyboard in the trash! Instead, recycle it. There are several places where you can recycle keyboards. You can take them to a recycling center or give them to a company that recycles electronic materials.

The bottom line is this: don’t throw your keyboard in the trash! It can be recycled which can help reduce pollution.

Keyboards are one of the most commonly recycled items. Many people think they can just throw a keyboard in the trash, but this is not always the case.

Recycling a keyboard involves taking it to a recycling center and separating the components into different categories. Plastics, metals, and other materials are all recycled into new products.

Can Keyboards Be Thrown in the Trash? 3 Factors to Consider

The first consideration is the environmental impact of throwing away a keyboard. Keyboards are made from several materials, including plastics, metals, and other materials. Each of these materials has a different environmental impact.

The second consideration is the amount of use a keyboard will see. Some keyboards may last for a few months, while others may last for a few years. The longer a keyboard lasts, the greater the environmental impact.

The third consideration is the type of keyboard. Some keyboards are more environmentally friendly than others. For example, a keyboard made from recycled materials may have a lower environmental impact than a traditional one. 

All of these factors must be considered when deciding whether or not a keyboard can be thrown in the trash. Ultimately, the decision is up to the individual.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises that keyboard recycling is not a feasible solution due to the large amounts of plastic used in the manufacturing process. The EPA states that keyboards can take up to 600 years to decompose and release toxic materials into the environment.

Additionally, recycled keyboards often contain hazardous metals such as lead and mercury, creating health risks if ingested. 

In some cases, plastics can leach heavy metals into groundwater and soil even after being recycled. Therefore, it is important to properly dispose of keyboards when they are no longer usable or when their plastic casing has degraded.

On the one hand, keyboards can be seen as consumable item that often gets thrown away when it becomes outdated or no longer needed.

Here’s some good news: your old keyboard can be recycled!

Keyboards are made with several materials that can all be recyclable. The plastics used are typically made from various materials, including recycled PETE (polyester terephthalate ethylene) bottles.

The coating on the keyboard is made of a brominated material, a type of flame retardant. The copper wires in the cords are also recyclable.

Keyboard manufacturers are always looking for ways to make their products more efficient and less waste-intensive, but some people just can’t let go of their old keyboards.

Do you ever feel your keyboard is taking up space in your office? Maybe you’re thinking of getting a new one, but you’re unsure if it’s worth it. First, if you’re considering getting a new keyboard, don’t toss your old one in the trash can. Recycle it!

It’s a good way to help the environment and save some money at the same time.

There are plenty of ways to recycle a keyboard. 

You can recycle it with the rest of your electronics by taking them to a recycling center. You can also recycle it yourself. All you need is some basic supplies and a little bit of know-how.

The first thing you need to do is unplug your keyboard from the wall. Next, you’ll need to remove the casing. This is usually a plastic cover with buttons and a display screen. You can recycle this casing by melting it down and creating new products from it.

Next, you’ll need to remove the keyboard keys. Most keyboards have two types of keys: regular keys and Function keys. The regular keys are the ones you use to type text, and the Function keys are the ones you use to access different functions on your computer.

The function keys are different on every keyboard. You can recycle these keys by separating them from the keyboard housing and throwing them in the recycling bin.

The last thing you’ll need to do is recycle the cord. Most keyboards have a long cord filled with copper wires. You can recycle this cord by unraveling it and cutting it into small pieces for further DIY uses.

Recycled keyboards can be used to create new, more efficient keyboards.

When you’re done using your keyboard, you should probably recycle it. Not only are keyboards made with recyclable materials, but they also have cords filled with copper wires. All these materials, including the plastics that have been coated, are recyclable.

You should not dispose of your keyboards in the landfill. Instead, you can recycle them. Recycling keyboards help to reduce environmental pollution and helps to save energy.

To recycle a keyboard, ensure you have the correct equipment. You need a shredder to cut the keyboard into small pieces, a recycling bin, and a vacuum cleaner to remove the debris.

Next, place the keyboard in the recycling bin. Make sure the plastic and metal are separated so the plastic can be recycled and the metal can be recycled.

Recycling will take a little time, but it’s worth it. Keyboards are made with recyclable materials and coated in a flame retardant (the brominated type). It also has cords filled with copper wires. All these materials, including the plastics that have been coated, are recyclable.

If you don’t have a recycling center nearby or don’t want to take your keyboard there, recycling it yourself is an option. By following these simple steps, you can help reduce the amount of waste in the landfill.


In conclusion, keyboards can be recycled, but it is best to call your local recycling center to find out their specific instructions. This way you can ensure that your keyboard is being recycled properly and that you are helping to save the environment.

If you enjoyed this article, check out our “How to Test a Computer Keyboard?” article here!